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Sakura Setsuna

Sakura Setsuna

Nombre de messages : 165
Age : 33
Emplois sur le forum : 16ans
Age virtuel : Personne,libre de la tête au pied,du cerveau jusu'au tout mon âme^^
Date d'inscription : 08/06/2006

Saku Empty
MessageSujet: Saku   Saku Icon_minitimeVen 16 Juin - 23:18

Ayant toujours joué de la musique depuis sa jeunesse,elle se sentait libre et à sa place ici.C'est le sourire aux lèvres qu'elle commença à chanter une chanson qu'elle adorait réellement chanter.

You were for me of an invaluable help, you has me surporter until
the end... You is a formidable friend, in spite of make that you would
be if achalante... You natural, is happier, nice and its always
has me give courage.Same if we move away, I love you always as
much and we remain always also close.


My love... I love you so much... But despite everything, you a make
pain to me..I love you so much... and I hated you so much...
But despite everything, I would love you all my life.. you
remember our promesse?If you dies, I dies with you..I need
you... we lived of thing difficil both... but however I have never
to stop loving you.


You... That statement of you... you is a friend really very important
for me... you is as my brother... I need you so much ... at a point
which you could not imagine.I feel a feeling major and strong
towards you..But do not arrive yet at not encircled... I know
that it is not of the friendship... more than is
not the same kind of love as that which I test for that which is in my
heart, but it is close.


All our good last moment together.You be so important for
me, I like you so much.My love, you for me my drug is of which I
am if acro, but I could not have you if its would not have been
kick in the ass which my saleswoman has to give to me and you... my
syringe... without you... how I would have do?Because, with
You..I have what I like.

And that to say of this young person who is for me my small
brother?Don't forget our promise... exceeds him!And to you small light-haired
boy a little idiot!You does not forget my make known the
friendship... you has to present my love to me, you had said to me
that I would crack and that it was super classe!You were right.

I have already to think of the dead sometime but today I am
afraid of death and to lose those which I love.We must
benefit from our life and have fun ! Is with sitted glass of
beer around a table that very with start their
aventure..our dream...

Par la suite elle alla prendre un violon,l'accorda et se my à en jouer rapidement et vraiment d'une façon incroyable.

Je met un Copyright sur les paroles de MA chanson..^^ merci
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